General rules on the website

General Site Rules:

Welcome to our manga-loving community! Here, we unite under our shared passion for manga, with visitors from diverse backgrounds and perspectives. To ensure our site remains a welcoming and organized space, we've established a few ground rules. Please take a moment to read them - it's quick and helps everyone!

Respect is Key: Above all, we value respectful interactions. Our site is no place for insults or disrespect. If you encounter issues, reach out to our Admins or Moderators via private messages. We take a strong stand against racism, religious intolerance, and political conflicts. By joining us, you're part of a polite and friendly community.

What's Not Allowed:

- Off-topic posts: Stay on topic with your messages - let's keep discussions relevant to manga.
- Disrespectful behavior: Don’t insult or threaten other visitors.
- Offensive language: Avoid comments that are derogatory or promote discord.
- Spam and off-topic advertising: No spamming or unrelated product promotions, please.

Respect each other and this space where we gather to share our love for manga. Comments violating these rules may be removed, and we reserve the right to issue warnings or bans, sometimes without prior warning, in severe cases.

Moderator Respect: Our moderators work hard to keep this a great space. Disrespecting them can result in a ban.

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